Dirt Track Fever

Driver's Bio
Driver's Bio
Memorial Page
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Driver's name
Birth Date
Car # and class
Marital status
How long have you been racing?
How did your racing career begin?
How successful have you been?
What are your future plans when it comes to racing?
What are some of the bad points of racing?
What are your most memorable moments?
Is there any advise that you can give to the upcoming drivers?


Driver's name: Jason Hall

Birth Date: 8/19/81

Hometown: Hindman, ky

Car # and class: 911 4 cylinder

Sponsors: Hofsess Trk. Combs Custom Cycles, Hindman Auto Parts L&t Machine Jr. Motorsports J&J Auto Parts

Marital status:


How long have you been racing?: 1 Year

How did your racing career begin?: Startedhelping Kurt Hofsess about 7 years ago. And just Last year got my own car

How successful have you been?: I won the points championship my 1st year driving at the 201 speedway

What are your future plans when it comes to racing?: t o eventually move up in class and hopefully some day be able drive something thats really quick

What are some of the bad points of racing?: When Kurt Broke his neck racing

What are your most memorable moments?: my 1st win my 1st race and the pionts banquet in 98 with kurt and the 2001 points banquet that both 911 cars won

Is there any advise that you can give to the upcoming drivers?: use your head


Driver's name: Marcus (BAGWELL) Griffith

Birth Date: January 08 1974

Hometown: Chavies

Car # and class: G3   Bomber

Sponsors: Self

Marital status: 7 Years

Children: 1 Girl

How long have you been racing?: I've been racing about 6 years

How did your racing career begin?: I began in a roadhog

How successful have you been?: The past couple years I've ran pretty consistant

What are your future plans when it comes to racing?: To keep doing what I love to do

What are some of the bad points of racing?: The worst is all the money it takes to be halfway competative

What are your most memorable moments?: Winning my first race at PERRY COUNTY and setting pole last year at ISOM


Driver's name: Andrew Isom

Birth Date: 8/2/87

Hometown: Maykinh

Car # and class: #12 Late Model

Sponsors: ISomRaCing,AAA,Subway

Marital status: Single

Children: None

How long have you been racing?: 3 years

How did your racing career begin?: go-cart

How successful have you been?: really sucessful

What are your future plans when it comes to racing?: Nascar

What are some of the bad points of racing?: Money

What are your most memorable moments?: when i one the winston cup

Is there any advise that you can give to the upcoming drivers?: keep at it


Driver's name: Smokin Jon Fugate

Birth Date: 02/22/1983

Hometown: Hazard, Ky

Car # and class: #00 Latemodel

Sponsors: Performance Bodies, Fugate's Place, and Jackson Electric

Marital status: Married

Children: 2 daughters

How long have you been racing?: 4 years

How did your racing career begin?: started off with an old bullit chassis and $500.

How successful have you been?: ive won a few and lost a few.

What are your future plans when it comes to racing?: Build a new car and put alot of money in it to start beating Benny Feltner. HEHE

What are some of the bad points of racing?: its a life threatning risk you gotta take

What are your most memorable moments?: watching Black Jack and Jackie Boggs tarein up the dirt at Perry County 4 years ago.

Is there any advise that you can give to the upcoming drivers?: guy's dont race so hard. Stay in the back and get uset to driving around the track. Get other drivers advice on the track conditions, Find the racing grove and watch out for the wrecks.

hometown: HINDMAN
Car# and class: #7 4 C-CLY.
marital status: MARRIED
Children: NICOLE
How Long have you been racing?: 2 YEARS
How did you get started in racing: WHEN THEY STARTED 4
What are your future plans?: DON'T KNOW YET
What is your most memorable moment?: LEADING 5 LAP'S LAST PCS BEFORE MY BATTERY WENT DEAD
What advice do you have for upcoming drivers?: JUST HAVE FUN GET EXPERIENCE AND THE REST WILL COME TO YOU
Driver's Name: Renzie Jones
Car #- 4R
Class; 4-Cylinder
Hometown: Chavies, Ky
Birth date: June 6, 1982
Married: Martha Miller-Jones
Children: 0
I have been racing for almost 3 race seasons.
Me and My Dad would go to the races to watch until I got
old enough to reach the pedal, then we decided to give it a shot.
I have came in the tops 5 a lot of times, I finished in third place, twice, but I am going bring home a true victory this year. It's just a hobby.
My future plans are to stay with the 4-cylinder class, until I achieve my goals there, which is a victory. I love racing, I don't plan to quit any time soon.
The bad points in racing are that some people don't realize that it's a sport, which is supposed to be fun.
When my race car buggy got loose after the race, it hit my dad's truck right in the rear end.
Just remember that it is only for fun, and try to stay sober, at least until the trophy dash is over. This is a family thing. Also try to get as many sponsors as possible.
Driver's Name: Kevin Wooton
Car: #84
Class: 4 Banger
Hometown: hazard
Age: 13 years old
Married: 1 day
Children: no
How long have you been racing? I have raced one time
How did you get started in racing? My dad
How successful have you been with your racing career? may I get a good race.
What are you future plans concerning racing? Maybe move up to Road Hog
What would you consider the bad points in racing? none yet.
What were your most memorial moments? The first time. Is there any advice that you would like to give to any upcoming drivers? Say no to drugs and have fun.
Driver's Name: Richard Brewer Jr
Car # 1j
Class 4-cylinder
Hometown viper
Date of Birth: 3-7-85
Marital Status looking
Children: hopefully none
How long have you been racing 2 years
How did you get started in racing my dad
How successful have you been with your racing
career? not good
What are you future plans concerning racing? Move
up a class, go pro, quit for good hopefully in a
couple of years move up a class
What would you consider the bad points in racing?
getting the top of it scratched up
What were your most memorial moments? finishing
second the first time I raced
Is there any advice that you would like to give to
any upcoming drivers? have fun
Driver's Name: Mary Grace Lewis
Car # M1
Hometown: Wooton, Ky
Marital Status: Married
Children: one son
How long have you been racing: started mid-season last year
How did you get started in racing: always loved racing. When the 4-banger class started I decided to give it a try.
How successful have you been with your racing
career: I have not won yet, but I am still trying. As long as I have fun racing it doesn't matter if I win. But winning would be great.
What are you future plans concerning racing: maybe move up a class.
Is there any advice that you would like to give to
any upcoming drivers: Race because you want to have fun. Don't race just to win. Winning is nice. But if you don't have fun it is not worth doing.

Driver's Name: Mike Conley
Car # 5
Hometown: Hazard Ky
Date of Birth: 6/21/84
Marital Status: Single
Children: none
How long have you been racing: first year
How did you get started in racing: go-cart racing
How successful have you been with your racing
career: got 14 trophies in go-carts and one top 3 in
4-banger What are you future plans concerning racing: run one more year of 4-banger then going to bombers
What would you consider the bad points in racing:
getting took out by others drivers slower then you
What were your most memorial moments: getting my first
top 3
Is there any advice that you would like to give to
any upcoming drivers: hope you have a lot of money
cause you will need it in racing

Thanks for your help.